The One With The Big List Of Internet Mom Complaints I Can’t Relate To

You know that I love the internet and social media. You know that I believe in its power to connect us all and activate us on causes we have in common. Not just for the big causes but also for the little moments we all have had but maybe never said out loud. For example, just this morning I shared this in my Instagram stories: “Girls be like I have so much anxiety and then drink a third iced coffee and turn on a murder podcast.” Almost immediately I had messages from other girls replying SAME! It’s little moments like that that I thoroughly enjoy and I’m sure you do too.

That being said, there are a handful of popular mom complaints that make their rounds on social media that I just simply cannot relate to. I’ve been keeping a list and I’m sharing it today not to brag, but because if there’s even one other mom out there who also can’t relate, then I want to know you and I want you to know you’re not alone!

So here we go, my big list of internet mom complaints that I can’t relate to:

  • The one about getting the laundry started but then taking days to move it to to the dryer and weeks to fold and months to actually put it away. Oh my gosh, just typing that triggers my OCD. I know there’s at least one other lady out there that is paranoid about clothes just sitting wet in the washer or getting wrinkly in the dryer. My washer and dryer has an obnoxiously long and loud “finished” jingle and I wouldn’t have it any other way. As soon as I hear it, my laundry gets moved over or taken out and folded. Full disclosure: lately I haven’t had enough space for all our clothes so there is usually a hamper full sitting out somewhere, but its full of CLEAN and FOLDED clothes. Anyone else?

  • The one that says something like, “I can’t believe I have to cook for my family every single day” or “why does cleaning up after dinner take longer than actually eating dinner?” I maybe used to be able to relate to this one when I was working outside the home, but now I really don’t mind one bit cooking dinner every single day. We are fairly low key when it comes to breakfast and lunch, so dinner is when I shine! I also think this one is largely a mindset thing. I don’t HAVE to cook and clean up dinner for my family every night, I GET to show my love for them by making and cleaning up a meal. Anyone else?

  • The one about how complicated it is to fold a fitted sheet. Sure, the corners are awkward, but I simply fold it as if it were a flat sheet. I literally don’t do anything different and it’s never been a problem. Anyone else?

  • The one about how awesome an air fryer or toaster oven or some other new countertop appliance is. This one may also be largely due to some OCD on my end. I don’t like too many things on my counter cluttering it up. Especially something big and bulky. Also, there is nothing those machines can’t do that a regular stove top or oven can’t already do. I totally get that for busy families these appliances are popular due to their time saving features, I’m just not too busy to use my oven I guess. Anyone else?

  • The one that says eating healthy is more expensive that eating junk food or that growing your own food isn’t worth a big enough savings monetarily. Oh this one really gets me. Sure, buying organic from the grocery store is more expensive than buying a cheeseburger off the dollar menu. But the last time I checked a pack of seeds was less than that dollar burger and I think that’s the real comparison you have to make here. Also, people like me who care what’s going into their food don’t do it to save money, we do it to save our bodies and that is ALWAYS worth it.

  • The one that shows what appears to be an electrocuted Bugs Bunny and it says something like “me trying to be a good mom, good wife, good friend, and have time for self care.” Friend, if that’s you on a daily basis then let me be the first to tell you that you need to put something down. That is no way to live!

  • The one that shows a beautiful pot of homemade chicken noodle soup on the first crisp Fall day and says “finally soup season.” My family has bone broth soup at least once a week regardless of the season. Why? Because we raise chickens so we eat one whole chicken a week and would never let the bones go to waste. Also, bone broth is known to be really good for your immune system. So the next time it’s any other season but Fall and you’re craving soup - serve it up mama!

  • The one about how involved meal planning is. I actually agree with this one, the new concept of meal planning is involved and overwhelming. But the way it used to be before it was an internet trend, I don’t think was that complicated. When I go to the store or down to our big freezers, I try to get supplies for at least 5 dinners. It seems to work and I usually can get away with one quick trip to the grocery store each week. Another full disclosure moment: because of how much food we grow at home, we don’t normally need a whole lot from the grocery store and I know not all families can do that.

  • The one about finally being able to get out your Christmas tea towels. Listen, if you get me tea towels they will be use all year round whether they are for Christmas or not. We don’t use paper towels in the kitchen, so towels are a precious commodity around here!

  • Lastly, the one about being perfectly comfortable wearing black on black all year round or the whole “capsule wardrobe” concept. It sounds really, really cool - to have a minimalist wardrobe and just know that everything you own will match. A part of me wishes I could pull that off, but I simply love color and trends way too much! Life is too short not to live in FULL COLOR!

So there you have it, all my internet meme frustrations are out. If you made it this far then you must agree with me on a couple, right? I so want to hear from you! Message me over on Instagram!

XO - Olivia

Olivia Hayse

Marketing Professional & Blogger.

NOLA Momcation 2022


“The Social Dilemma,” Facebook Hearings, and Censorship.